
Sunday, December 14, 2014

December 8-13, 2014 Saturday

December 13 - Saturday:

  • Devotional  - Articles of Faith Review up to 7th memorized, I love to See the Temple, Pre-existence Story from New Testament Stories, Pledge. Family Motto
  • Breakfast
  • Kimber Curriculum Science Lesson on the Heart "The Selfish Giant" and his transformation, Kids colored a picture as they listened to the story
  • FLL - Level 4 Lesson 20, Adjectives and Adverbs
  • Writing with Ease
  • Books Read to Little Ones : The Lion and his Paw, The Story of Christmas, The Lonely Bunny
  • Van: Reflex 30 Minutes, Aleks Fractions 1 Lesson
  • Cleaning up front room dining room
  • Van: Put away dishes
  • Poem Ozymandias

December 12 - Friday:

  • Prayer
  • Van: Put Away Dishes, Helped with Yard work (Flower Bed)
  • Van: Reflex 30 Minutes
  • Alex
  • Play at the Park for a few hours with friends
  • Van: Piano Practice
  • Books Read to littles The Helicopter Book
  • FLL - Level 4 Lesson 19
  • Poem Ozymandias
  • Writing/Typing
  • Christmas Tree Decorations

December 11 - Thursday:

  • Devotional - Articles of Faith Review, Song "My Body is a Temple" 
  • History - Chapter 24 of The Story of the World 
  • Aleks Math 1:39 minutes
  • Reflex math Facts
  • Poem Ozymandias
  • Music Lesson - Steve
  • Gymnastics
  • Scouts - Made wooden spoon and Owl

December 10 - Wednesday: 
  • Prayer
  • Writing with Ease
  • First Language Lessons Lesson 18
  • Reflex, Math Facts
  • Aleks 1 lesson Mastered
  • Piano
  • Writing/Typing

December 9 - Tuesday:

  • Pray/ Devotional
  • Clay Creations
  • Drawing
  • Writing with Ease
  • First Language Lesson 17
  • Reflex
  • Recover from being Sick
December 8 - Monday

  • Work Day
  • DMV
  • Shopping
  • Birthday
  • Family Night
  • Van: Aleks, Reflex
  • Very Sick this evening

Thursday, July 17, 2014

July 2014

July 7th -
Planned meals for the week- made shopping list - Van helped plan
Cleaned: Mom cleaned kitchen, floors, laundry
Van cleaned bedroom, toy-room, front room, washed windows, put away dishes
Made Pizza, made bread, prepared and started crockpot beans and beef roast
Van read a few verses in the Book for Mormon, about 2 Nephi Chapter 1
Van read through Dave Ramseys Finance for children. He taught Arianne about it. He organized his money into savings, donation/tithings and spending. 
Van planned family Home Evening "Love At Home" 
Read and told the story of Issac and Jacob from the Bible, played games, made a crown told each other why we love each-other.
Reserved 17 books at the library for reading for the kids

July 8th - 
Van had gymnastics - First time moving to Gold level, since he is older. He is getting better at doing flips. 
I went shopping for food while Van was at gymnastics and survived with the three younger kids. They did surprisingly well. :) I was sweating pretty hard when I was done though. Spent 125 dollars
Van did Reflex Math for a half hour - Put away dishes and took out garbage
Read Book of Mormon for a half hour
Made clay Sculptures for the Washington County Fair - Van made a humming bird, Arianne, made a tower and a star and I made a pinch pot
Looked up History of Phoenicians Watched documentary
and made Phoenician ships out of lego's. Van told me, I was pretty good at lego building for someone with no experience and I informed him of my years of experience as a child. He was pretty impressed. :)
Made Taco's out of the night before's beans and shredded beef roast. Meal was a success. :) Everyone was happy.
No Scouts this week.

July 9th - Wednesday
Finished washing Laundry - Van put away dishes and took out garbage
Van and I planned his science project (Bird Behaviors)
Here is the list:
Make list of birds who show up to front yard.
Took photo of clothing put together for dummy
Make dummy, put outside with tray and birdseed. 
Research list of birds, make list of behaviors and draw and color picture of birds
make a chart of birds who show up, time of day they show up, kind of food they eat, the weather and time seen each day. 
Compare real Van outside with bird, each week to see if birds land on him. Compare data with that of the dummy. 
Van read for a half an hour on Birds and Book of Mormon
Van held a lemonade stand for an hour, till wind started to blow and ants became an issue, only earned about 5 bucks.  
Gavin and Garret stayed over and played for another hour or so. 
We watched the history of Glass Blowing (like the Phoenicians who were artist glass blowers.)
Made Salmon Patties, Mashed Potatoes, Garden Salad - Everyone was happy again. 
Had scripture study

Thursday- July 10th 
Got up went to the library to pick up books on reserve. 
Kids played at the nearby swim park
Cleaned up and went in and had story time, little ones colored
Went outside and went for Merry Go Round Ride
Played frisbee with the kids
Van did an hour of Reflex Math Facts, put away dishes & took out garbage
Van read for an hour - Some Book of Mormon and Library Books
Van made more Phoenician ships our of legos
Kids showered and bathed
Made large ham sandwiches, with lettuce and broiled cheese. Served with left over mashed potatoes and grapes and plums. Let everyone eat and watch the movie they picked out from the library (muppet pirate movie).
Had family scripture study

Friday - July 11th - Laramie's 41st birthday! 
Van did Book of Mormon Reading and Reflex
Listened to about 8 chapters of the "Guardians of Ga'Hoole
While folding and putting away laundry
I cleaned the rest of the house and made food. 
Made Gnochchi and Chocolate Cake for Laramies birthday
Laramie came home and we ate dinner and celebrated
My mom babysat the kids while Laramie and I went to see a movie

Saturday - July 12th
Van put away dishes and took out garbage
Light cleaning to get ready for church, made food for Sunday (Bread & Roast)
Slept, watched movies, read, relaxed
Van listened to Guardians of Ga'Hoole
Read Book of Mormon
Did Family Scripture study (New Testament)

July 13th - the 17th

Sunday - July 13th
Went to church
Came home ate food: roast, mashed potatoes, salad
kids watched cartoons
scripture study (old testament)
Listened to the book on tape "let it go" based on this man named Chris Williams who lost his family in a fatal car crash by a teenage boy who had been out drinking.

Monday - July 14th
Went to the water park in little valley and invited Malea's kids over to play there. Afterward Van stayed at Malea's 
and played until about 4pm
Liam and Arianne watched Pirates of Penzance with me
We made scones, mexican rice, white chili with turkey 
Made cinnamon rolls with sweetened of condensed milk spread over them and cooked more (success!!!)
did basic cleaning
made shopping list - meal plan for week
Had Family Home Evening   - The Sacrament - Kids drew, watched videos on Mormon Chanel and played, SImon Says, 
and put a chocolate on top of a flour tower and cut the flour till Arianne made the chocolate piece fall and then made Arianne
fish out the chocolate with her nose. Was fun! Everyone got a piece of chocolate. Went to bed. 

Tuesday - July 15th 
Liam drew all over himself with marker. It's sort of washable, (package says it's washable, but not totally:) Kids watched cartoons
Family Morning Prayer 
Exercised, Van was in charge of telling us what to do
Took Van to Gymnastics, Went Shopping with younger kids. They were good and very helpful to me. :) Liam unloaded almost the entire cart onto the bolt while her was in the back of the cart. 
PIcked Van up, unloaded groceries and put away
Van took shower
Had our cleaning day- I cleaned kitchen, floors and washed all laundry & looked up information for Laramie to take ASE bus test for interview with Washington COunty School District
Van cleaned bedroom and toy room and vacuumed front room floor. 
Glenda Hacker brought us a delicious turkey dinner
Took Van to scouts they worked on their citizen badge. 
I took shower, went to pick up Van, payed Tithing, gave Celia her oil and talked to her about going over Van's scouts tomorrow 
Family Prayer - No time for scriptures tonight. 
Laramie studied over test materials
Kids were hungry again, made late snack, put them all to bed finally and started typing all this! :)

Wednesday - July 16th
Book of Mormon Chapter 3, 1st five chapters. Van and I talked about what a "righteous branch" means. I had Van read the first five verses and then he needed to tell me about the scriptures he read and then ask me a question. 
Exercise for 40 minutes. Sit ups, push ups, lunges, planks, head stands (Van only), mini trampoline and jumping jacks. Van taught the little ones how to exercise. Then relaxation, breathing and stretching. 
Reading time (mom read) - Persia's Cinderella Story
Free Reading - Van read Owl book
Study - Mourning Dove - Documentary, looked up web pages, read them, printed them out, drew a mourning dove and colored it. 
I showed Van how to see shapes in images and to help him draw accurately 
Liam took a nap, Arianne colored. 
Reflex Math 40 minutes 
Took out trash - Helped play with kids, while I made dinner and cleaned (whole wheat flapjacks, homemade syrup, fruit salad, sausage)
Watched Magic School Bus
Family Scripture Study (Learned Song "How Great Thou Art")
Van asked earlier about wanting to create his family tree, 
I shared the scripture Malachi 4:6 "He will turn the hearts of the fathers to thier children and the hearts of the children to thier fathers...." Talked about the nature of what that scripture meant and geneyology. I showed him a church video on geneology as well.

Thursday - July 17th
Morning Prayer
- I spent time with Carolyn Dodson and my Mom over phone working on Family Search. Van and I printed out his family tree. We noticed there is much research and work to be done on Paul Dodson's side of the family, many people are missing. Van is interested in helping Carolyn find them. I also printed out Laramie's, mine and updated both of our accounts with much information as well as Ethan's birthdate.
Book of Mormon
Listened to 4 chapters of Guardian of Ga'hoole
Basic Cleaning - Van put away dishes, took out trash, I cleaned kitchen, front room
Reflex Math 20 minutes
Played outside on the trampoline
Ham sandwiches for dinner
Magic School bus
Scripture Study

Friday - July 18th
Relaxed, slept in
Get Van and Laramie ready for trip, made popcorn, sandwiches and carrots
Downloaded all of Van's pictures and video's from his Ipod and then deleted them all so he could have room to take more videos and photos. He wanted a video and photo of him and Ethan. I will post it. It was super cute.
Kids played and watched TV
Took time alone with Laramie
Lesson Planning for school year
Showed the little ones this video and talked about being nice
and had them repeat Matthew 25:40 "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren. Ye have done it unto me." We talked about being "nice" and how it makes Jesus happy.
I read the first chapter of "Fairies and the Quest for Neverland"
They ate fried toquitoes, cottage cheese and grapes and lettuce. Popcorn for treats
Slept in the front room
Vacuumed up their popcorn mess
They eat considerably less than Laramie and Van, it was easy making dinner tonight
Talked to Lauren and Nichole today over the phone (separate conversations). It was nice to catch up. I haven't talked to them in a long time, or really anyone over the phone for that matter, which has been a really nice break off the phone.
We are trying to plan to go camping next week. I hope it works out.
The Bishop called me to see if I would take photos for his son and his fiancé at the temple, after their wedding.

Van and Ethan look allot alike :)

 Van took this photo a while ago, but had to share because it was funny enough to post!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

August, September, October 2013


 Playing roller coaster. These three get along well together. 

August 10th - Incredible day at the Washington County fair! My boy entered two photographs in the 4H portion of the fair and won first place for one image and 2nd place for the other image! It doesn't end there! He entered cookies today in the 4H contest, and won first place for those as well! It was so exciting! We were dying!

The two photographs Van Entered. The cookie contest he won was thanks to us not using any white sugar and some ridiculously great pure vanilla!
Overlooking St. George. Van has been wanting to take this picture for a very long time. 

 What our classroom looks like. Doing some heavy language arts and math this year. 

August 24th
Starting out our History/Geography portion of the school at home year with, learning about ancient civilizations. Here is our "Making the Nile River project" where we planted little seeds along our very own Nile River, to make it a fertile place. For anyone interested, here is a great video called The Mystery of the Nile that supplemented our lessons. The Kids LOVED IT!
August 29th
Our new adventure of homeschooling has been wonderful so far. Yes, busy. Yes, somedays difficult. Rewarding? WOW! Absolutely! The amount of quality information we cover in a day is incredible! From Paul Revere and the Boston Tea Party to pronouns to memorizing poems to dictation work to math facts and fractions to french lessons to botany to Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt, to making clay pots, clay rattle snakes and drawing cuneiform's. Not to mention some poignant, meaningful conversations with my ten year old boy, when he has a question. Social interactions? Why yes! Between 4H marksmanship, scouts, gymnastics, football, lego robotics, church and friends. I think we have it all covered.
I had to include the incredible double rainbow outside our home the other day, which is a happy coincidence since we are studying the Bible Story of Noah this week for scripture study. 
Just to think only 2 years ago I was completely overwhelmed by the idea of homsechooling. If someone would have told me I would be doing all that in one day, I might have killed over. What a wonderful paradigm shift I have experienced as I have learned over time, some wonderful tools (many free), curriculum and resources out there to create a custom fit education for my children and family!

 Happy Surprise 11th Birthday Van! He had no idea, until the last minute when Laramie and he were driving back from eating at Burger King. We went to busy Bloomington Park, laid blankets out on an open section of grass.   I taught a building paper airplane lesson and then we had a paper airplane contest. This kids loved it. They ate donuts, soda and candy. It was very healthy! HA! We had a blast. Friends and Family there were, My Parents (Art and Gayle Hale), Tobi Suwyn, Korbin and Kwincy (Van's Aunt and cousins). Lauren Bishop and her boys, Gavin, Garret, (Who are two years younger than Van, but he plays with quite a bit) Julian and Bennett. Crystal Carry, her son Aaron (ne of Van's good friends) and her sister and her daughters. Rosina and Greg Simpson and Ellie (Another of Van's Friends) and the rest of their younger daughters. 

Korbin, greeting Van, Laramie walking in the background, looking in our car (I drove in) and Arianne trying to get into the fun!

Van our birthday boy! 11 years old on August 18th!
Art and Gayle Hale (Van's Grandparents)

Greg & Rosina Simpson (baby and youngest daughter), Crystal Carry and Aaron Carry with Van 

 Lauren Bishop and her son Julian
 Van and Aaron Talking

 Tobi Suwyn, Korbin and Kwincy, Art and Gayle Hale with Van
 Laramie Jones, Sharee Jones, Van (front and center, 11 yrs old) Arianne  (3yrs) and Liam (1yr) in Laramies Arms.

Facebook post: August 25th for Van's BDay
Had a great time last night at the park last night with a few friends and family for my son's surprise birthday party! I can't believe he is 10! He is growing up to be a wonderful young man. 

End of August Yard work for Van!
 Laramie's special canned jalapenio's, wonderful scent filled the air at the end of the month! 

September 2013

October 2013

Laramie and the kids accompanied me on a photo-shoot up in Pinevalley and then we had dinner with the Kyle and Joellen Wells and their kids up at the Wells cabin. Joellen Wells took these of us (I took the first one) Which is true to our nature! HA HA!

I was very sick October with morning sickness and also very busy with about 8 family sittings, 1 engagement and 1 wedding. However we still managed to get a great deal of Home school done. I also took this fall image at the temple. 

Halloween Party at my my parents
Art and Gayle Hale

Corbin and Van Carving pumpkins

Uncle Terry and Aunt Jo Seegmiller

3rd Ward Church Halloween Party

Arianne, Aaron Cary and Van

Green Springs Christian Church
Our friends Twila and Vincent Volpa invited us
We had a blast and they gave the kids a ton of candy!

Showing off our bounty to Malea's Kids
OR "The Cousins"

November 2014